Our Mission

Our mission is to connect, educate, and empower attorneys, experts and citizens to comprehend and effectively address legal complications stemming from government actions, corporate misconduct and shortcomings within the system.

Gather and network with an all-star cast of speakers and your peers. Discussing topics like the Medicalization of Childhood, Education Mandates, Defending Doctors, and much, much more.

Register by June 1st to guarantee access to the event.

Download our Event Booklet!

Legal Education

Facilitate a society where individuals are well-informed about their rights and legal justice.

Civil Liberties

Address policies stemming from government actions and corporate misconduct.

Bridge the Gap

Through comprehensive resources, we strive to help you navigate the legal system.

Support Our Mission

Help us fight injustice. Together we can create a society where everyone’s rights are respected. It’s time to stand against government and corporate misconduct.

We hope to build links between attorneys, medical experts and citizens injured by unconstitutional policies and forced medical treatment that have violated their basic rights. 

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